A range of products are available to assist us in preventing pollutants from entering our waterways. Areas of concern which affect stormwater runoff are: Sediment control; Correct Drainage; Pollution control.


There are various types of Geotextiles including nonwoven, woven, high strength and composite � all of which perform various functions within different applications.
Primary functions are filtration, separation and reinforcement. High quality MRS11.27 Strength Class Geotextile is commonly used in many civil engineering applications.

We also provide 50m Handirolls in 0.60m, 1m, 1.2m and 2m Lengths


The primary function of a TRM is to provide permanent (root or stem) reinforcement for the mature vegetation during higher hydraulic flow events where velocities and sheer stresses exceed the limits of mature, natural vegetation. A secondary and more temporary function is to collect sediment during the hydraulic flows prior to and while vegetation is being established. The TRM performance increases as the vegetation becomes established and the root structure is entangled within the synthetic mat.


Reduces the amount of hard surfaces in community areas by reduces waterway contamination and storm water run off, protects tree roots, aids erosion control by retaining and stabilises soil surfaces and therefore increasing the green environment.

GEOGRIDS – Subbase Reinforcement

Subbase Reinforcement – When dealing with poor subbase material, geogrids used in conjunction with geotextile and aggregate can form an interlocking layer within the subbase, thus reducing movement and damage to pavements. Manufactured from Polyester yarns formed into a mesh type sheet. The fill forms an interlock with the grid.