The prevention of silt/sediments migrating into waterways. A range of systems are available to lessen the impact of erosion on both land and waterways.
Sediment or Silt Control devices are designed to reduce sediment runn-off from construction sites. Sediment, left unchecked, can clog and pollute native waterways and damage natural areas. Controlling run-off, an increasing environmental concern, is advantageous to owners, contractors and engineers who face the economic costs associated with site sediment loss.
A range of systems are available to lessen the impact of erosion on both the land and waterways:
- Siltsocks (inlet protection systems)
- Silt Fence
- Silt Bags
- Filter Bags
- Sand Bags
Containing sediments when working in or near waterways is critical. Silt curtains are manufactured from heavy duty polypropylene geotextile with Styrofoam floats and velcros joins, ballast can also be supplied.
Curtains can be manufactured to suit specific applications, largely dependant on the location and flows of the water course. Easy and fast to deploy making them a cost effective measure for sediment control in waterways.
Floating booms are specifically manufactured to contain oil, fuel and other water borne pollutant in a range of environments and situations.
Manufactured from Coir fibre firmly compacted to form a sausage like structure which can be used for various applications. Highly recommended for creek/stream reinstatement/realignment.
Also an excellent product for water diversion and sediment filtration on slopes, coastal and wetland protection and flood control. Vegetation is usually planted into the logs for long term stability. They should last between 5-10 years pending the environment.
The primary function of an Erosion Control structure is to control temporary erosion (caused by precipitation and run off) until vegetation is established. A secondary function is to promote germination of the seed by maintaining moisture and temperature, which is critical for seed germination. With the ability to enhance water filtration whilst protecting topsoil, Jute mats is the simplest, safest and most cost effective method of promoting new growth on slopes and embankments. Designed for Slope Protection, Drainage Swales, Mulch Protection, Dune Conservation and Grass Spillways
The primary function of a TRM is to provide permanent (root or stem) reinforcement for the mature vegetation during higher hydraulic flow events where velocities and sheer stresses exceed the limits of mature, natural vegetation. A secondary and more temporary function is to collect sediment during the hydraulic flows prior to and while vegetation is being established. The TRM performance increases as the vegetation becomes established and the root structure is entangled within the synthetic mat.
There are various types of Geotextiles including nonwoven, woven, high strength and composite ? all of which perform various functions within different applications.
Primary functions are filtration, separation and reinforcement. High quality MRS11.27 Strength Class Geotextile is commonly used in many civil engineering applications.
We also provide 50m Handirolls in 0.60m, 1m, 1.2m and 2m Lengths
Manufactured from a 1mm HDPE, RootGuard is designed to protect pipes, surfaces and structures against root damage. The RootGuard encourages the roots to go down rather than sideways preventing intrusion. RootGuard is normally placed between the tree and whatever you wish to protect. The preferred method is placing the barrier along beside the path, building, pipe etc.; try not to surround the tree.